It's Your Birthday! (woot, woot)

     I love my mom. Her whole life revolves around my dad and her kids and grandkids. She is a natural caregiver. She takes care of my grandparents (her mom and dad). They live right here near all of us and even though they are independent and aren't in an assisted living home, she still takes them to their doctor appointments and everything else they need.  My dad has had Hodgkins Lymphoma twice and, thank the good Lord, he has been in remission for three years after a stem cell transplant. There's no doubt he wouldn't have survived it without her.

     My beautiful mom, Angela, and my beautiful daughter, Sydney. This was on a trip last month. Sydney is the oldest of all of the grandchildren and she and my mom have always had a very special bond. I finished college after Sydney was born and she stayed with my mom.

     Mom shares her birthday with my sister's husband. Our families have been friends forever and we grew up with him and his brother. My sister, Amanda, and her husband, Harrison, were childhood sweethearts. I don't think he can remember a birthday without sharing it with my mom. Well, we joke and call Amanda and Harrison Ross and Rachel because they did have a couple of short "breaks" before they got married so he might have had a couple of birthdays without my mom.

       This was last year's celebration.

My grandparents are beside my mom.

This is Harrison who has been like a dad to my kids. They are so close to him and my brother, Ty.

     I will always see my mom as this.

      It was in around 1981, I was about 10, and she's always been so pretty. I grew up going to Daytona Beach every summer for vacation and this picture was taken while she was listening to my dad's brother sing with the band in the lounge. Wherever we stayed he always ended up singing with the lounge band and to this day he knows my favorite request. "Stormy Monday." Nobody can sing that song like him!

     We were always at the beach on her birthday. We would be there for the 4th and stay through her birthday. She's probably had more birthdays there than home. One year we got one the planes that fly over with the advertising messages to fly back and forth near us with a birthday message for her on the banner. She was so surprised!

     Happy Birthday to my sweet Mama. She spends every day of the year taking care of everyone else, but today we take care of her!

     This was about 5 years ago, but one of my favorite pictures!

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